Sunlight and Your Kids’ Eyes

Myopia or nearsightedness happens when the shape of the eye is too curved, keeping light from properly focusing on the retina. People who have it struggle to see distant objects. When not detected and treated early, it can affect a child’s performance in school and at play.

Have you noticed that your child blinks or squints a lot? Do they often complain of headaches or that they can’t see the words on the board at school? If so, it’s best to schedule a visit with your local optometrist. These are typical signs of nearsightedness in children. At Lumen Optometric, we are here for your family’s vision correction and dry eye treatment needs.

Moreover, research shows that children who spend time outdoors are less likely to develop this vision condition. Experts believe bright sunlight can aid in the retina’s production of dopamine, a hormone that can help regulate eye growth.


Tips for Healthy Sun Exposure

While natural light might benefit your child’s eyes, you should discourage them from looking directly at the sun. Like adults, they need to wear UV-blocking sunglasses to keep their eyes safe from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays. Even when it’s cloudy outside, you and your child should apply sunscreen and wear sunglasses.

Wearing a wide-brimmed hat can also reduce the UV rays that reach your little one’s eyes. Then, limit their time outdoors during the sun’s peak hours, which is from midday to early afternoon.

Routine eye exams can help you keep track of your family’s vision and eye health. Leave your eye care needs to Lumen Optometric.

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