Following treatments are provided :-

1. Comprehensive eye check up in the OPD(Slit lamp assisted)
2. Refraction and spectacle prescription
3. A scan biometry
4. Indirect Ophthalmoscopy & retinal evaluation
5. Gonioscopy and anterior chamber angle evaluation
6. Tonometry
7. Refraction in children and Amblyopia treatment
8. Yag Laser iridotomy
9. Yag laser capsulotomy
10.Incision& Curettage Chalazion and Hordeolum internum
11. Lid and adnexal injury repair
12. NLD syringing
13. Dacryocystectomy and external DCR in selected cases
14.Small Incision Cataract Surgery
15.Phaco emulsification with foldable IOL in selected cases
16. Intra vitreal injection of Ranibizumab
17.Lid and adnexal mass excision and biopsy
18. Pterygium excision with and without conjunctival graft
19. Conjunctival and sub conjunctival lesion excision
20. Bandage contact lens irisertion for corneal diseases